Buku PhD

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Check before you publish

use this link to check on SCOPUS listing


Check before you publish

Check before you publish

continue :

Venkatesh, V., Thong, J. Y., & Xu, X. (2012). Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. MIS quarterly36(1), 157-178.



After my first proposal defense only I know that I had to use back the dimension that has been created by earlier researcher. I am writing about consumer acceptance, therefore I need to begin reading on the theory and its dimension. Little that I know that there is more to learn.

I am thinking that after proposal defense, that it. Only thing left is to sent the questionnaire and do analysis about the finding. Alas, its not the case....

I need to present it again with the detail on how to go about it. Together with the dimension, questionnaire, CFA and EFA. I put here the literature I need to read for my future reference.

Ohtonen, R., & Karjaluoto, H. (2016, January). Consumer Acceptance and Use of Instagram. In 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 2227-2236). 


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Cara belajar

First year in phd journey. I learn to read the literature. I collected many journal and articles related to my study. I collected anything about Islamic finance.

I read and read but still I cannot comprehend to it. I really do not understand it. What do I really want to find in this all written articles? It takes me one year to realise that I need to summarise all those finding and conclusion made by previous author.

Second year in my study, I already know what are the literature gaps. I re-read the whole article again and find out what are the variables involved in their writing. Still there is a huge amount of reading to do.

Now in the third year of study, I finalised my variables. I know what variables I needed. Then only I go to youtube to learn how people do literature review. I did that after my proposal defense. (Can you imagine how chaotic my proposal defense).

I choose and select related article. The one that within my scope only. I compress it from 800 journal to become 90 only. I know that I need to compress it again to become only less than 50. You see the process that we all have to go through if we do not have a close mentor in our study, All in all, nobody can teach you how to do it. Your supervisor will let you drown. You got to swim through it.

Now that I know what to do. I still learn how to make it perfect according to academic standard. I learn from reading "how to" instruction manual. The material come from you tube, internet search and books. Once you reach your third year, This is necessary to fine tune your attitude. You need to adhere to industry practise, to become one of them. In this case I mean "academic researcher"

Teknik menulis literatur

Ramai dari kita yang melakukan kesalahan ini, kita mula menulis tanpa mengumpulkan journal yang perlu. 

Kita tulis dan tulis sehingga banyak mukasurat akan tetapi isinya sama sahaja, cuma ayatnya sahaja yang berlainan.

Cara yang terbaik untuk menulis literatur ialah mencari bahan apa yang berkaitan untuk di tulis. Kita mesti meyusunnya megikut tahun. 

Setelah kita susun mengikut tahun. Kita pilih pula mengikut variables yang kita mahu. Kemudian barulah kita mula menulis.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tiada kawan

Kadang-kadang kita nak tanya soalan tentant pembelajaran kita, akan tetapi supervisor pun sibuk aja memanjang, ataupun dalam kes saya ni, dah dua SV berhenti dari university saya. Jadi saya pun tanyalah pada encik wikihow...hahaha, saya provide link kat bawah untuk anda mengenali encik Wikihow dengan lebih rapat.



Grammar Check

hahaha, ni masalah yang besar juga, baru ni aku submit proposal defense tanpa buat checking on the grammar. Of course lah ada banyak grammatically error. Nasib baiklah terjumpa dengan website grammarly, ada jugaklah bantuan untuk membetulkan kesalahan ejaan.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Translate using MS Word

Kalau dah tak faham sangat bahasa yang di tulis, boleh lah menggunakan Microsoft word punya translation features.

Lagi satu option ialah menggunakan Google translate.

ataupun upah saja orang untuk translate bagi kita.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Hayer - Bootstraping

To download a software on bootstraping here.

SOBEL test

today i learned about SOBEL test.

