Buku PhD

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to search your thesis title for phD

Pick Your Finance PhD Topic from One of These Areas.

Sekadar berkongsi pengalaman bagaimana saya memilih tajuk untuk my Phd research. Memandangkan saya sudah lama berada di dalam industri perbankkan, khususnya pinjaman perumahan, jadi saya memilih tajuk yang benar-benar rapat dengan saya. Selama sepuluh tahun saya memberikan khidmat nasihat kepada pelanggan bagaimana caranya untuk mendapatkan pinjaman perumahan, jadi adalah logik sekiranya saya menulis thesis berkenaan dengan sesuatu yang saya faham. Begitu juga dengan anda. Tulislah sesuatu yang anda faham, agar apa yang anda tulis akan berguna untuk tatapan generasi kita yang akan datang. 

Menulis kertas phD bukannya seperti menulis novel, apa yang kita tulis adalah hasil dari kajian yang kita buat sendiri, benda ni tak boleh di copy dan paste dari mana-mana juga. 

Untuk kawan -kawan yang masih di dalam industri perbankan, saya kongsikan beberapa topik yang boleh kita jelajah untuk phD kita.

Students that have chosen to pursue a PhD in Finance have a vast range of Finance PhD topics to choose from. The first step is to decide which area within Finance to focus on. Once the area has been established, the student is left with the difficult task of deciding on a good topic. Learn about some of the areas available to students and get some ideas for a Finance PhD topic.

Personal Finance

Personal Finance looks at financial planning for individuals and it involves analyzing the personal financial situation on a short and long term basis. The student could for example focus on debt, student loans, student fees, mortgages or what affect the economic climate has on personal finance today.

Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance involves looking at the allocation of a corporation’s funds and resources with the objective to improve the shareholders’ wealth. The Finance PhD could focus on derivatives can be used to determine the maximum profit and minimum cost for a corporation or how the take-over process of a company works and what affect it has on all parts involved.


Banking is the system of trading money with safeguarding deposits and making funds available for borrowers and investors. More and more banking business is taking place online and the student could for example look at possible ways to prevent internet banking frauds.

Accounting and Finance

Accounting looks at keeping a financial record of business transactions whilst finance looks at the management of money and investments. The student could for example focus their Finance PhD topic on researching minimum wages and what the affect would be on the economy if they were increased or decreased.

Risk Management

Risk Management occurs everywhere in the financial world. It involves determining what risks exist in an investment and then handling those risks in a way best-suited the individual or corporations investment objectives. An example of a Finance PhD topic to focus on could be “How to buy a property in a declining market”.


Microfinance is a service that aims to provide for low-income individuals or unemployed who have no way of supporting themselves. The goal is to help the individuals become self-sufficient. Looking closer at microfinance institutions in developing countries could be a topic for a student’s Finance PhD.

Alternative Investments

Alternative investments refer to products other than the traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, cash or property. Students could for example investigate if there are there any alternative investments that are safer than the stock market.

Islamic Finance

The main principle of Islamic finance is that all forms of interest are forbidden and the Islamic model works on the basis of risk sharing. Finance PhD topics to focus on could for example be the difference between a traditional mortgage and an Islamic mortgage or the economical growth with an Islamic system.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah

Tujuan Blog ni dicipta ialah untuk mengabadikan segala yang pernah berlaku di sepanjang perjalanan untuk mencapai PhD yang di idamkan. Segala bentuk dokumen hard copy sudah tidak di perlukan lagi dengan adanya teknologi menyalin data ke dalam bentuk elektronik.

17/11/2000 Falilnesa ask me to sell her property located at Pandan Jaya Medium Cost apartment for RM100,000, I am representing Kim Realty at that time.